
In Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) 3, 21, we read, “Without sustenance, there is no Torah. Without Torah, there is no sustenance.” We learn from this that, just as our bodies need food to survive, so too do our minds seek nourishment through Torah and Jewish learning.

At the South Street Temple we strive to engage and stimulate Jewish minds at every stage of development. No matter how old or how young you are, there is always more learning to do. In fact, there is more to know about Judaism than can ever be learned in a lifetime. Our task is to provide as many opportunities as possible to engage and inspire Jewish learning.

To achieve this, we provide weekly Torah study sessions, monthly adult education classes on selected topics, Introduction to Judaism courses, Hebrew for adults, and other classes and lectures geared toward adult learners.

For schedules and times, see our calendar, or contact the Temple office.