Welcome to Congregation B’nai Jeshurun ~ The South Street Temple.
We are dedicated to social action following the Jewish tenet of tikkun olam, repairing the world.


We strive to be a welcoming and inclusive congregation in the Lincoln community.
If you would like to learn more about our programs and services, or to arrange a visit, please contact office@southstreettemple.org.
Whether you are a long-time resident of Lincoln or just moved here, we look forward to the opportunity to meet you.


Help Us Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the South Street Temple
by joining us at these must-see events:

Historical Presentation by Ed Zimmer
Monday, August 12, 7 pm
Hear about the history of South Street Temple and its place
in the development of the Near South neighborhood

Concert: Scott Severin & Stateleigh Holmes with Ash Sharp
Thursday, September 5, 7 pm

Enjoy the acoustics of our historic building
with this community concert by local musicians.

Centennial Shabbat Worship Service
Friday, September 13, 7 pm
Celebrate Shabbat with a Friday night service
inspired by the inaugural service held in the South Street Temple in 1924.
Opening remarks by Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird

Improv Group: Occasionally Hilarious
Saturday, September 21, 7 pm
Come join in the fun and watch as Rick Kohn, Vice President of South Street Temple,
makes his bimah debut along with local improv group Occasionally Hilarious.


To learn more about the Jewish Community of Lincoln, visit the new JewishLNK.org website.

For the convenience of our congregants and guests, we have a live stream of our services weekly. To participate, use the link below. 

Shabbat and Holiday Worship information can be found on our Worship page.

Check the Calendar page for what’s happening this week.

Our Gift Shop has opened a new online store!


Streaming is available for all of our services.

Click below to join in from anywhere.


Want to keep up with what’s going on at the Temple?

Sign up for our public mailing list by contacting office@southstreettemple.org.






From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Creating High Holiday Memories for Children

Creating High Holiday Memories for Children sdolgov

Finding ways to make the High Holidays meaningful for your child is an important way to nurture their Jewish identity. There are many ways to celebrate at home, like reading books, making crafts, or discussing what the holiday means to you and them.

Jewish Pride + Jewish Community = Strong Jewish Future

Jewish Pride + Jewish Community = Strong Jewish Future jemerman

In North America, our community has been dealing with rising levels of antisemitism and fears about being attacked for the crime of being Jewish. It was against this backdrop that I arrived in the safe haven that is URJ's Crane Lake Camp.

Why is Jewish Summer Camp Important?

Why is Jewish Summer Camp Important? jemerman

Jewish summer camps provide children the opportunity to immerse themselves in Jewish culture, engage in ritual and education, challenge themselves physically and spiritually, and prepare to be leaders in and out of the Jewish community.

Meet These Hispanic Jews Impacting the World

Meet These Hispanic Jews Impacting the World jemerman

Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15 - October 15 and is a month-long celebration of Latinx history and culture. Meet some notable Hispanic Jews who have made a noteworthy difference in the world-whether that's through influencing policy, magic, or writing a catchy song!