
The congregation’s worship practices are in keeping with the mainstream of the Reform movement. Our prayer book is Mishkan T’filah, published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis in 2007. In this most current edition of the Reform prayer book you will find Hebrew, transliteration and translation, but also more accessible contemporary interpretations of the traditional prayers.

We have Friday night and Saturday morning services, and we try to bring as much variety as possible to appeal to all of our congregational family, which extends beyond the walls of our temple. For members who live farther out, and others for whom attending services is difficult, we have created the opportunity to worship with us through live-streaming webcasts.

If you are a first time visitor, we hope you feel welcome and included, because we take seriously the Torah’s commandment to “welcome the stranger.” We are characterized by our acceptance of diversity within our congregational family, our embrace of intermarried families and Jews by choice, and our outreach to the larger community. We welcome guests who would like to learn more about Judaism and about our congregation.

For information about service times for Shabbat and holidays, see our Services page. You also can view a copy of this week’s service handout here.