Social Action

Belief in social justice is at the heart of Judaism, and South Street Temple congregants are passionate about engaging in tikkun olam, healing the world.

We organize opportunities throughout the year for congregants to participate in social justice activities, focused on health care, poverty, and the needs of children. 

Ongoing projects:

  • Monthly meal prep and serving for the kids at the F Street Rec Center, hosted by We Can Do This
  • Annual High Holiday Food Drive for the Lincoln Food Bank and Mazon.
  • The South Street Temple joins with Tifereth Israel Synagogue and the Lincoln Jewish Federation to serve as a sponsor for the annual Lincoln Pride festival. The Jewish tradition teaches that everyone has inherent dignity and worth, and we celebrate, welcome, and support all community members.
  • We provide a team of volunteers to serve at Clinic With a Heart every month. The congregation provides ongoing financial support and donations of over-the-counter medications and winter wear. 
  • SST is affiliated with Justice in Action, an interfaith advocacy coalition that addresses issues affecting our community, such as mental health and affordable housing.

Previous projects: